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Managed DNS Infrastructure

Our DNS infrastructure ensures that your online presence is never down due to DNS failure. Some web hosts and DNS providers have all of their DNS servers in 1 data center. Our DNS servers are located in 3 data centers in different geographic regions of North America. And each of these data centers are owned and operated by a different vendor guaranteeing that our infrastructure is not compromised by the failure of a single vendor. The geographic separation of our data centers means that our service is never disrupted due to server failure, network failure, data center failure, or supplier failure.


Uptime Guarantee

We're so confident in our infrastructure that we off a 100% uptime guarantee. In the very unlikely event of a complete DNS failure of the part of DurableDNS or our infrastructure, we will issue a credit in the amount of 5 times the downtime.


Data Centers

AtlantaNAP - Atlanta, GA - About AtlantaNAP

ThePlanet - Dallas, TX - About The Planet

Hurricane Electric - Fremont, CA - About Hurricane Electric